
1858 The seal

Gnr / Bnr: Gnr 22 Brn 1


Indebted in 1858 when the farm was divided. In 1867 there were: 7 acres of medium-sized arable land, meadow area of 57 acres. In 1959, there were: 70 acres of cultivated land, 300 acres of forest and 300 acres of open fields. The farm still exists

Berge Ivarsen Åsgård:

Born 1814 in Lindås, died 1895 - bought the farm in 1858 for 7,000 Spdl. Married to Brita Nilsdatter Heldal b. 1827, d. 1908. Children: Britta, Ivar.

Ivar Bergesen Seal:

Born 1855 in Lindås, d. 1923 — got ice skates from his mother in 1895 for NOK. 11,200 and conditions. He invested in growing vegetables and selling vegetables in Bergen. Married to Anna Ingebrightsdatter Løvås b. 1860, d. 1938. Children: Berta, Berge, Kristi, Sygni, Inga, Dorthea, Astrid, Ingebright, Johan, Gustav.

Gustav Sælen:

B. 1904 took over the farm in 1925 for NOK. 15,000 and honor to the mother. Married to Orlaug Knarvik b. 1906. Children: Aslaug, Ivar, Bjarne. Still owned by the family.


  The farms